
You had a long week? Burnt out from m idterms? What to do for fun? How about go and stick people with needles and be stuck in turn.
Actually it was fun and interesting. We are lacking in real clinical skills training here in Grenada in the land of basic sciences. But many clubs run "clinics" where you can learn basic skills, like the one I went to last night where I actually sucessfully put a catheter in someone's vein. In this case it was the lovely and talented Natalie pictures at right. The patient and very competent Chris, pictured left, Is/was an anesthesia tech before he become a med student. He was a phenomenal teacher. For the record Natalie also stuck me too, and it was more interesting than painful.
what? no picture of the first successful puncture? maybe you should ask her if she'll let you do it again for the blog-record.
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