
I had dinner last night at Molly, Annalee, and Amanda's house. Their neighbors who are vet students came and brought two adorable kitten they just got. I had been thinking about getting a kitten but when I showed one to shade who had been contenedly lying btween my legs getting her belly rubbed she jumped up gave me a panicked "Oh hell no " look and sat by the front door for the rest of the night.
I think this time I'll let my aging pet live out her time as a solo act.
Just remember that cats are creatures of place and don't move as easily as dogs.
Shade just had such a bad experience last time with the cat from hell. Not that we didn't all love Clio...but Sequoia was a bit dodgy around my new cat, too, thanks to the unexpected attacks from the 20-year old. I'm not encouraging picking up a cat in the Caribbean (think of the hassle of coming home!) but don't rule it out forever...Shade has a lot of years left.
Everything was JUST FINE!!!
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