Fingered it all out
First of all... YEA for Gina who told me what I needed to do in order for the comments to appear--- so this forum should now be a little more fun for all.And to answer someone else's question, Ruth is the young Chinese American Woman pictured with me in our lab coats at the White Coat ceremony.
I did study most of the day, wrapping my head around biochem and getting a little closer to where I need to be with Anatomy (The Brachial Plexus will drive me insane.. and for the record, it wouldn't be pretty to be shot in the shoulder.. many many blood vessels and nerves)
Went for a lovely long swim... Hey its my exercise.

I hang my towel from the tree in the one picture. The other is a picture of three cruise ship's.. And the yankee Clipper for the Sharp eyed.. that were all in port this weekend. It is much more impresive live...

And it starts all over again tomorrow..... Week 2 here I COME!
I'm out here, I'm reading the blog, I'm excited for you. Keep it up cousin, you sound great.
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