Last Night's Sunset

Well I tried to upload the images, but so far It hasn't worked. I am not sure/ maybe it is a speed/size/rate of usage issue-- whatever.
I am working on getting an internet based phone number so I can call friends cheaply and they can call me. The hitch is that I have to be near a wirless center to recieve calls (Not in my room.. on main campus mostly) so you will need to leave a voicemail and I'll call you back. OR you can buy a headset and microphone and sign up for skype and we can talk for free over the internet. More info at:
Send me an email if you want more info..
loved your info on life in grenada and your new life. having lived in costa rica for a year, it all looked familiar. loved the 'sink' shot.
chaotic and busy here. TRIO taking off like gangbusters. full-time is a shock but am adjusting.
a hug to you,
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