Procrastination for dummies

Genetics is over, or that is to say, our lectures for genetics are over and the final is a week from Monday. I am refining my arts of procrastination, selectively playing mah jong on my computer, making a new play list on itunes, cleaning my little apartment, debating the merits of washing my area rugs with myself and catching up with the species in my new “birds of the West Indies” birding guide. Excessive blogging is also an advanced form of procrastination. I now am fairly sure that the odd looking bird I have seen several times in a big field next to Grand Anse Beach is a Yellow Crowned Night Heron, a very odd duck if you will pardon the pun. And I think there was a Grenadian dove on my road the other morning,-- they are endangered and endemic to south Grenada. The other doves in this area do not have white bellies, and this one had a white belly. But perhaps it is just wishful thinking that I saw the endangered dove. I could not ID the Bird of prey (Grenada has an endangered kite and a more common broad winged hawk) that was sailing above the little valley I live in this am, I should have thought to bring binoculars with my bird guide. From the size and the fact that it was soaring it was probably the hawk.
Last night I made real New Mexican red chile chicken enchiladas for Sheri, Nichole and Dr. Robert Blanc-- my friend and husband of my friend Dr Deanna Martin. They were excellent, if I do say so myself. I made Mexican style rice, black beans and Nichole made a beautiful salad. We played scrabble, and I began boldly by spelling R-E-V-E-L-E-D, using all 7 of my tiles and earning 80 points. If I were not a gentlewoman, I would mention that I beat Dr. Blanc by a couple of points, although I told him we were at a statistical draw (which is true.. counting points accurately and drinking do not go hand in hand) Many good conversations were had and an immoderate amount of red wine consumed. Later I went to campus where my friend Pam hooked me up with a Term 2 “Mac Daddy” -- A few gigs worth of old tests and review materials. I didn’t get to sleep until 11:30--- late for me. So, genetics seems less than appealing for me, although I like the idea that there is something for me to do even if I don’t do it. Without that tug, I would be bored, and when I get bored I get depressed. So this morning’s inspirational message is “I am grateful for the opportunity to procrastinate.”
On to segment polarity mutants.
Dr. Xavier would be proud. (if you get that reference, you are, by definition, a geek)
Nuf Said
Cooking and Scrabble are also excellent forms of procrastination. If I were there I would happily procrastinate with you. I have very fond memories of enjoying your excellent cooking and playing Scrabble with you and Mom up at the cabin. Was that almost a year ago already? Oh my, how it does fly...
Another excellent procrastination tactic: reading other peoples' blogs. :)
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