
What am I doing? Fair enough question. It is 8:38. I am in my jammies, laptop in lap and risking the flaming battery that apple has recalled but seems unwilling to send to me in Grenada. I am sitting on the loveseat that passes for a couch. I am listening to Rock Star super nova and I am looking at a midsagital section of the brain. It is an interactive online quiz actually. It asks me to click on a structure and tell me if I get it right. I have muted the TV and I hear now that it is raining. I hear the ever-present chorus of crickets and frog.. some sort of night bird that adds to the cacophony of the Grenada night. Shade has taken up her regular station under the couch and contributes with a half grunt half moan of relaxation and contentment every so often, crashed out after a walk and a good roll in patch of deep green grass.
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