About a pitch in the dirt and a cricket match

I am sitting in an ice-cold lecture hall at 9:45 in the morning watching the West Indies Cricket team play a match against India. The helpful AV guy put on the Caribbean version of ESPN for us when our clinical skills lecturer did not show up. It is either that or some strange form of preparation for our lecture on the cerebellum… that funny part of the brain that helps us organizes our movements. Cricket is deeply weird. The ball is "bowled" at the ground andbounces before it is hit. I just watched what I would call an outfielder catch what I would call a high fly ball with his bare hands. Here is the neuro science lecturer. Time to pay attention.
My lecturer just pointed out how idiotic it was of Rush Limbaugh to say that Michael J. Fox must have been off his meds or faking it in those new commercials for the democrats. Parkinsonian movements are terrible, and can't be faked or controlled well. I
Later.. after lunch
... this must be a BIG cricket game because there are large groups of grenadan men gathered around any televsion and watching the game intently. No gloves. Did I mention they catch the damn balls with no gloves on?
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