Monday, April 23, 2007

What's new..

1. advanced clinical skills kicked in 3 weeks ago.. a class where I learn wack stuff like how to check for vital signs, cranial nerve function and thyroid function.... whoda thunk I'd learn that stuff in med school
2. no more cricket
3. I have put in 9 solid hours of study today since classes ended at noon. It is 10:44 pm. I worked in a shower. Doesn't feel like suffering. brain hurst tho. fairly typical day.
4. So I don't blog much and I am aware that most of you are not aware that I was due to move to a different Caribbean island in August to continue my studies. Unfortunately the crime rate in said Caribbean island has increased dramatically and when given the option recently, 80% of our class has decided not to go to Saint Vincent, so now the whole class is staying here. It means that I get to walk out of my apartment in late june and walk back in 5 weeks later. Sweet. And Shade can come with me, she was going to have to stay home.
5. Shade had a nasty skin infection though so she might not be overly grateful. She is on antibiotics and pain meds and feeling much btter, back to herding me right and left. SHe says "WOO WOO" which I translate as time for bed. After all I have some lovely microbiology notes to curl up with.

Ciao (der)

The hours of my day......

Friday, April 20, 2007

This just in, No "Real World, Grenada"

Dear Chancellor Modica,

After a long discussion this evening, the Student Government
Association voted overwhelmingly against the motion to have GO GO LUCKEY
Productions film the "docu-drama" at St. George's University. Many
students discussed the potential for the program to reflect badly on the
university as well as the students. Additionally, the issue of privacy as
well as distractions inside and outside the classroom were discussed.
After considering the past projects the producer, Austyn Biggers, has been
involved with, including "Hottest Mom in America", some students believed
that the intentions of the network and/or producer may not have been
presented completely. Although there were individuals who believed that
there was some potential for the university to gain good exposure and
publicity, the students believe the negative aspects could potentially be
more damaging. They were concerned that they would be identified during
residency interviews and elsewhere as "attending the school on that
television show". Finally, the students were uncomfortable with the fact
that the final decision of what was to be aired by the network was not
clear, and that this could potentially be problematic for the university
and those students involved and not involved in the filming.

The Student Government Association would like to thank you for
considering our thoughts regarding this decision.


Matthew Tichauer
Student Government Association
St. George's University

Dear Matt,

Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter concerning the
docu-drama proposal. As I indicated during our SGA rep meeting on Monday
evening, I had been persuaded by the production company to feel comfortable
in proceeding with this project mainly because they had already visited
other Caribbean schools and yet clearly stated that SGU would be their
first choice. That provided assurance that they were primarily looking to
film the best students at facilities that were comparable to those at a US
medical school. In other words their actions were speaking along with
their words.

I also indicated to you that we could not be certain of that outcome and I
asked you to reach a decision with the SGA on this matter which I would
consider a "veto power". You have done so, in less than 48 hours, while I
was flying back from Grenada. I appreciate your swift action. I respect
your decision. I am proud to work with the SGA in another instance of
meaningful student involvement at SGU. I apologize for the time that was
taken out of your busy schedules to accomplish this.

The producers will be informed of our decision not to proceed. Please
convey to all those who participated in this decision my utmost gratitude
for their time and thoughtful deliberations in this process.

Charles Modica, JD