Monday, April 23, 2007

What's new..

1. advanced clinical skills kicked in 3 weeks ago.. a class where I learn wack stuff like how to check for vital signs, cranial nerve function and thyroid function.... whoda thunk I'd learn that stuff in med school
2. no more cricket
3. I have put in 9 solid hours of study today since classes ended at noon. It is 10:44 pm. I worked in a shower. Doesn't feel like suffering. brain hurst tho. fairly typical day.
4. So I don't blog much and I am aware that most of you are not aware that I was due to move to a different Caribbean island in August to continue my studies. Unfortunately the crime rate in said Caribbean island has increased dramatically and when given the option recently, 80% of our class has decided not to go to Saint Vincent, so now the whole class is staying here. It means that I get to walk out of my apartment in late june and walk back in 5 weeks later. Sweet. And Shade can come with me, she was going to have to stay home.
5. Shade had a nasty skin infection though so she might not be overly grateful. She is on antibiotics and pain meds and feeling much btter, back to herding me right and left. SHe says "WOO WOO" which I translate as time for bed. After all I have some lovely microbiology notes to curl up with.

Ciao (der)


At 1:22 PM, Blogger The Contessa said...

I'm glad you don't have to go to St. Vincent, my dear. I look forward to seeing you in the states this Summer. Give my love to Shade.

Hugs to you.


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