Molly & Me and the Sunset at the Grandview Pool

Molly is my USMLE step 1 study buddy. We are taking the KAPLAN class together in Manhattan in January and February. I imagine there will be very different photos of us then..
My Weekend, My Friend the Cowfish

I am now a little more than two months shy of completing the Caribbean portion of my medical school adventure, and even though I am a little more than two weeks shy of next round of exams I grow to appreciate this place more each day. The weekend has been typical so far. Up at 6 and at my desk by 7. I had a hard time finding my study mojo.. e-mailed friends updated my (gulp) facebook page picked up someone at the airport… Did laundry, had a banana peanut smoothie and shopped for school supplies while my clothes dried. I went to see my mechanic, the fabulous Phil, who tirelessly chases down electrical problems in my car and who had the muffler re-welded in place after I had knocked it loose.

Tomorrow I am back at the desk by 6 am I hope, breaking at noon to swim for an hour with Lenny (who has providing all the nifty under water shots) after which we plan to go over pathophysiology with a couple of other folks (Chris and Chris__ I will be surrounded by men) until we collapse in exhaustion or our brains drip out on the floor. It is 10:30 PM and I am almost ready to quit studying for the night but will feel better if I cross another data point off my list. Maybe a quick spin through the TB pharmacology packet.. I wish I could say that would put me right to sleep but I actually think it is kind of cool.
Rumor has it that we will be getting a list of available clinical centers on Monday. I have an ugly scary and official type USMLE step I application to fill out online so I can pay $700 for the privilege of sitting down for 8 hours and disgorging the entire contents of the first two years of medical school curriculum via multiple choice questions that reflect only obliquely my ability (or lack there of) to perform in a clinical setting. As they say in Jane Austen novels.. what joy is mine. This is why I need to visit the fish. By the by.. all the pictures are on the beach that is a 5 to 10 minute walk down the hill from my place. Jealous? Nah.. you have to be a weirdlett like me to want to study this much.. and to think that TB treatments are almost as cool as the fish..
Words of Wisdom offered to the Second Year Medical Student
"You don't know yet how unclear medicine is......."
J. Lawrence; DVM, MD
As you may have guessed..

I have been studying for exams. I am taking Pathophysiology and Pharmacology this term. Exams went well, and time is flying. I have seen not a few spectacular sunsets from my balcony, and had not a few good nights out with friends. I am not entirely sure what happened to September. Ten weeks from Friday I am scheduled to fly home.. even though I am not entirely sure where that is anymore.
At the grand view if I want company for a few minutes I generally walk down to the pool and find some within a few minutes.. Hospital visits have been revelatory, and help me remember why I am here.