Friday, March 23, 2007

White or Brown Toast with that.....

This is your brain....



As if Pathology wasn't enough

The murder and mayhem filled Cricket world cup will be coming to Grenada in early April.. I will keep you all posted if there are anymore game fixing murders.......
More info at:

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

By the way

I have heard from a good authority that white people don't actually talk anymore, they just text message.. more details to follow...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Things that make you go um

“I stopped counting how many times you said “um” when I got to 50” Chris told me when I asked him just how stupid I sounded in path lab today.

Pathology is generally very interesting, and path lab can be alternately enlightening and debilitating. You present one or two slides and answer a set of pre-determined questions and then a clinical tutor gives you feedback. Some are gentle. Some are not. I thought I was exceptionally well prepared today and I got my ass handed to me. I used to be articulate back when I was a liberal arts major. In some circles I was none for my ability to keep my cool and speak articulately under pressure. Not today.

First of three exams in Path is Monday March 26, and the micro midterm is Friday March 30. Keep me in your thoughts.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Same no posting, different flavor

Okay I wasn't posting before because my social life improved. I don't post now because 4th term started. 19 credit hours.. all day in class and labs.. minimum of 5 to 10 hours of study each night. Skin infections in microbiology this week. Neoplasias and Infarctions in pathology. I Study, eat, shit and sleep (rough order of priority) That is about it. Ticket home is June 24. Might not surface much before then..

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Word of the day Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
au·tom·a·ton [aw-tom-uh-ton, -tn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -tons, -ta [-tuh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation.
1.a mechanical figure or contrivance constructed to act as if by its own motive power; robot.
2.a person or animal that acts in a monotonous, routine manner, without active intelligence.
3.something capable of acting automatically or without an external motive force.

Coming soon to an HMO near you....