It is just so lovely today..

The ocean, which I STILL can’t swim in is that amazing blue. There is a nice breeze, the birds are swimming Charlie and lovely-lou the pot hounds are napping on the beach and I am trying to lock my self in my room, blast the AC and work out the innervation of the abdomen. The autonomic nerve system is my friend! Midterms start a week from Monday with microbiology. Last night I gave myself a last night out, had dinner with Molly at de Big Fish, grilled swordfish with garlic butter, fries and veg for not much and Molly treated because I cooked dinner the other night. Still later I met Nichole and Sheri at la Boulangerie (Pizza pasta gelato espresso pastry) and had a nutmeg gelato. I could have gone to a local sports bar with the girls, but opted for a DVD on the laptop.
But the taste of freedom hasn’t done me much good, I want more. I was up and studying by 7 and on campus by 8:45—enough time to witness a professor and a security guard get into a screaming match, the prof (who was a Caribbean man of African descent) basically accused the guard of being on a power trip and harassing the students. The guard said he was doing what he was told to do. I kept my mouth shut. I went to a mock Anatomy practical at 10, was on the 10:50 bus back to Grand Anse and did my grocery shopping (My bread from a local bakery has a label that reads “Ideal Bakery, satisfying your needs for 15 years” Who knew it was so easy to get my needs satisfied in Grenada☺ )
I came home, cut up a chicken had lunch..... now it is almost one.. where did the time go.. ? Two hours of study time GONE. I think that way all the time. Things like showering, grocery shopping cooking and laundry become annoying because they take up time. And now I am blogging instead of studying.

Ciaoder, friends
(that is pronounced “chowder” and is a contraction of ciao and later for the ignorant and uniformed)
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