Happy Easter

Life is always a balance of the good and the bad.
This Easter morning was no different for me..
I woke up at 5:30 and by six there was a huge rainbow outside and a group of orphans singing hymns.
Now it is almost 10 and I have been studying the histology of the endocrine system almost continually since then and NOTHING feels like it is sticking.
Plus there is the added bonus of feeling like Howard Hughes because I stay in my room so long without talking to anyone.
And so when the rigors of my program get me down, and even the orphans and the rainbow and the beautiful sea can’t cheer me up, I cling to one thought that makes me feel better about myself….
I always thought Peeps (the marshmallow sugar Easter snack) were cool.
Happy Easter Folks,
bite some heads off some chocolate rabbits for me

Peep jousting!
A little more civilized than setting them on fire.
Happy Easter!! Hope all is well. Love the peep show.
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