Infinite Jest

Today featured another set of mock patient interviews ( I was the only one in my group to come up with the correct diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease) Dr. Brahim’s ever entertaining office hours—which are not for the faint of heart he asks you to name anatomy structures with all the subtlety of a drill sergeant. He also likes to pick the new person and ask them about an obscure nerve or artery that HAPPENS to be named after what it supplies and yells “think man” while the student stammers for an answer. He is actually a huge cupcake, but people get intimidated by him.
Today also featured me getting on an overcrowded bus with a human skull in a box tucked under my arm. My study group decided to check one out for the long weekend. I, of course, have named him Yorick. He is sitting on my desk right now. He is helping me remember that my life may seem a little strange to some people.
And I was starting to think about having a crush on the guy who sits across the isle from me during lecture. But then I found out he is president of the Catholic Student’s organization. Not that there is anything wrong with being Catholic, some of my best friends are Catholics. And today he was wearing a Yankees cap, so no more crush. It did allow me to have the conversation with Molly about why it is unacceptable for her to root for the Yankees but that it was fine for her to root for the Mets.
All in all a good day.
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