Thursday, September 07, 2006

More words of wisdom from Dr. Perrson..

After playing some nearly indistinguishable heart murmur sounds and letting us know we will be tested on them and then moving on to a new topic 10 minuets before lecture ended:

“I know you are tired, but this is so easy I know you can grasp this even in your current state of despair”

In effort to explain why fetal pulmonary (Lung) circulation has such a high resistance:

“The lungs haven’t expanded yet before the infant takes a breath so they are very dense. In old Europe, in Sweden where I come from, they used to leave girl children out for the wolves because the Swedes wanted sons. In other parts of old Europe they said it was not okay to kill you children so when a woman said that she had a child that was born dead, they would remove the lungs and see if the baby’s lungs floated. If they did float, then they know that the child had taken a breath. If the lungs sank, they knew the child had not taken a breath. Of course they didn’t much care if the child had died on its own immediately after birth. If the baby’s lungs floated they just put the woman in a sack with some cats, tied her up and drowned her and the cats. That’s the way we did it in old Europe. Maybe that’s what Rumsfeld was talking about when he talked about new and old Europe.”

You gotta love this guy


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