What's New

What is new? the truth is I don’t really know how to respond to that question anymore. I study. And sometimes there are new flavors to the studying. I have a final in immunology in a week. Typing that made my chest hurt a little. I have good friends. I am afraid to drive my car at night because some strange electrical problem causes one headlight to go off. What’s new is that it is 1 pm and I haven’t changed out of my pajamas yet.. no wait I did that last Saturday too. What is new is that I am embracing my deep womanly scent because I have not turned on the AC because my last electricity bill was $175 and I am comfortable at my desk with the fan on as long as I don’t move around much. What is new is that while hanging out with my classmates Natalie and Christine, I met a very drunk and somewhat entertaining man named Chicken and his buddy Phil. Natalie lives at the grand view hotel at grand Anse, and when I heard how much she pays for her one bedroom (About the same size a little more run down) UTILITIES INCLUDED I am considering a move. There is a pool at Grand view, where Christine, Natalie and I were pretending to study and where we met Chicken and Phil and where Phil, who was as drunk as Chicken and maybe a little peeved that he could not flirt as vigorously as Chicken because his wife was standing across the pool, pushed Chicken into the pool with no warning. Chicken then got out of the pool, complaining vigorously about his two ruined cell phones, and proceeded to remove his pants and break dance on the pool side asphalt. Thank god he had swimming trunks underneath his pants.
What is not new is the incompetence of the clinical skills program here. Once again they scheduled a lecture, and then changed the lecture to LATER in the month without telling any of the students. Only about 10% of the class showed for this one, I imagine that the final turn out will be less than a dozen people out of a class of 350. Later that same day I went to a patient interview small group where many students were evaluated on criteria we had not been introduced to, and then our small group facilitator violated FERPA regulations, which this particular school has chosen to adhere to, by announcing our grades to the entire group.
What is also not new is there is no chocolate nor are there chips or cookies in the house . I once again made the unwise and dare I say foolish choice not to have snack food around the house while I am studying. My ass seriously needs a few extra inches of padding if I am going to sit on it all day, and the cantaloupe is just not cutting it as far as comfort food goes, even with a zesty spritz of Caribbean key lime.
But I have made some nice wall art out of the motor pathways printouts, and I enjoy looking at the tall grass outside my window move in the Caribbean breeze. I got to eat Thai food this week courtesy of Molly’s Half Thai boyfriend Patrick and my brain seems to be slowly kicking back into gear after finals. The visiting prof from UCSD who is teaching respiratory physiology is good, and Dr. Aziz, beloved for his clarity the clinical relevance of his lectures is teaching autonomic. Pretty interesting stuff.
SO life is good, not much is new. And if I get going on the immuno, I am just be able to justify flinging my self in the ocean in a few hours.
Chowder friends
Oh I envy you. Wishing you could turn on the AC? Let me send a damp little 45F breeze your way, should take care of things. Ahh, but the colors are pretty. Not yet drab and barren as it will be in a few weeks, still red and orange and yellow in every tree.
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