Gratitude coupled with Shameless self promotion..

First and foremost I want to send a big shout out to Michael B and Sylvia B for continuing the unflagging support of my medical school career through a constant supply of postcards. Said postcard coordinate most fetchingly with my banana slug magnet and as such hold a place of prominence on my refrigerator.
Another big thank you to Larissa, Mom, and Gina who have all graciously offered to fill their suitcases with offering from the states when they visit this December and January, and to my Dad who is ensuring that I will be outfitted with peperidge farm stuffing and sees candies for thanksgiving.
In case it has not been entirely obvious, Midterm season has rolled seamlessly into final season as I take my immunology final tomorrow (Monday). And despite the fact that I neither left my apartment or changed out of my jammies yesterday (or maybe because due to the fact..), I am feeling a bit ragged around the edges and having difficulty regaining my pre-midterm momentum. As a consequence I am once again asking you, my faithful readers, to show me your support by sending me a postcard. Actually I am expanding this term’s campaign to include letters and small care packages. Some of you are already aware of my deep, unchanging and somewhat disturbing love for cool office products. Cool post it notes? Unusual paperclips? neat pens? shiny pointy pencils? send em on down. Your latest fave ipod mix burned onto a cd would also be welcome.
Methinks you forgot to post your snail mail address. Or maybe you could email it to all of us?
A snail mail address would be great, but you probably don't want to post it here. How 'bout including it in an email to all of your readers who receive your "Fresh Shrimp" emails?...
BTW, I hope you're working on a wish list of items you'd like me to bring with me.
addresses will be provided to all who post or email me with their email adresses
lists are being compiled
Sa, be sure to include me when you send out your snail mail address. I share your prediliction for cool office supplies and have a few to send over (incl. some neat paperclips). Ah yes, it's the simple things that make life good.
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