Don't know how else to say this but to say it.
Hey folks--
Shade and I will be flying in to albuquerque on the 28th on June and we will both be looking for a place to stay for a couple of days. It is a package deal and shade is not an outdoor dog. If we do not receive any offers, we can get a motel but I thought I would ask.
Update! The kind and generous Sara and Tom Easterson Bond are allowing me the use of their guesthouse while in Santa Fe. Yay! Thank you!Also Shade came down with a weird tropical tic born disease last month. (Anaplasmosis) Although she has fully recovered it is making me rethink the wisdom of bringing her back to Grenada in the fall. Some of you have offered in the past to offer her a temporary home. I will be here for about 18 weeks. If any of you would like to re extend those offers we might have a chat.
Thank you all again for your love and support.
Molly's Birthday

I am actually much happier than I look in this photo..huge zit on my face and all... Really a lovely evening

Too bad the views are a bit limited here in Grenada :-)
Yes I am still breathing
A little of a rough week, just feeling overwhelmed. But the general silence is indicative of me just studying my little
hinny off. The actual effect on my posterior is the
opposite but... :-)
Lets see. Fourth term continues to be the 8 to 5 show in classes and labs most days... and trying to convince myself I am not too blistered to study at night. The
fabulous Peggy and Molly both have birthdays this weekend and I went to a nice
beach side picnic with the girls to celebrate with Peggy. There was wine and pizza and a sunset
we all missed because we were chatting too much. And then my
Italian men friends
Lenny and
Chris continued with their quest to prove who makes the best stuffed artichoke(Lenny's involves lots of
breadcrumbs, Chris's involves
parm and bacon). Tonight I have a very (not) sexy study
threesome set up to got through nutrition notes and tomorrow night we are off to the Grand Beach resort to celebrate Molly's birthday. Today I am deep in renal notes.. tubular necrosis etc...
I am back for my whirlwind summer tour of the states on June 24. Natalie and I are tag teaming our dog transport and as a result I will be spending 5 days
in Miami. Then I fly back to New
Mexico, visit with folks there for a few days before heading off to California, both north and south, where I will spend most of July. Then I head east, stopping in Detroit and New York to check out clinical centers as I will need to choose where I end up by
September. I also hope to visit with the east coast family and friends while I am there. Further updates to follow but will be diving into exam mode again soon so no promises.