Time is flying

Medical students do strange things to turkeys this time of year. The injection method worked really well actually. The turkey was for my first of three thanksgiving diners.. this one here at the Grand View, tonight I'll be celebrating with Molly at her home (Named "The wild Orchid" or so says the plate on the outside of the house) And then I will be cooking another turkey for another thanksgiving at my buddy Lenny's house on Sunday. For a lot of us, this is our last chance to get together before we are scattered to the four winds.. many folks are leaving right after exams..

Yesterday I went whale not watching with my friend Kira and some other folks. We saw a nifty bleach bottle on our four hour cruise but no marine wildlife.
The time and tides are changing.. quite literally. I woke up to the sound of surf this morning.. the seas are generally so calm here I don't hear the small waves that lap the shore down the embankment from my hotel. But today I hear them. I leave for the states three weeks from Monday. Two more scan-trons to fill out here. Two years in the Caribbean gone.. didn't I just get here last week?
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