Good-morning Felix, Watch out Curacao

I thought the weather last night was a little extra exciting. In my new place I can open my eyes and look south west over the ocean. There really is no place like the Grand View Inn for the Grand View.... Last night at about 4 I awoke to the sound of torrential rain and the sound of the sheet metal roof under duress. By 7 the power had gone off.. And seems to be out for all of Grande Anse and much of the area around the highway, although not in Lance Aux Epines. Seems a Tropical Storm formed over the island or damn to close to it. It is moving west now so at least I am not worried that we will be hit by it. And I am safely snuggled in the pathology lab with a cup of coffee happily streaming some lectures (lectures are now digitally recorded, and I can follow a web link, watch and listen to the lecturer on one half of the screen and view the power point presentation on the other half... pause at any time to repeat or catch up. Very cool. Can't believe I ever went to college without the internet...) I need to review. It is air conditioned enough here that I can even pretend it is cold outside. Kind of neat to have a tropical storm form over my head and to be inconvenienced so little...
this from the Weather Channel:
"Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Felix became the sixth named storm of the 2007 Atlantic season early Saturday, forming over the Windward Islands in the eastern Caribbean. The storm was expected to strengthen over the next 24 hours, forecasters said.
At 5 a.m. EDT, the storm was centered about 30 miles northwest of Grenada, according to the National Hurricane Center. It had top sustained winds of 40 mph, just above the threshold to be a named storm, and was moving westward at about 18 mph.
Felix was expected to move away from the southern Windward Islands later Saturday morning and pass near Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao by evening or early Sunday, forecasters said. Tropical storm warnings were issued for the islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao."
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