On the road... In "the Big Turkey"

Photos to follow as soon as I find the little cable thingy that connects the camera to the computer..
And appoligies to the Santa Fe folks as I am not venturing much north of I 40
I had a quick visit with Dad and Aunt Billie in Cherry Valley
I am in Albuquerque staying with the ever gracious Chris and Lisa while I sort through the detritus of my life. Some more stuff went to the salvation Army today...some clothes that don't fit and some framed posters. The Japanese tea pots, Cliffy's cast iron frypans and the real art I own have all made it into the trunk to stay. A few stray boxes .. framed photographs, a few cookbooks including my vintage joy of cooking.. are now mailing themselves to New Jersey. Greyhound called today.. My luggage is there but I am not.
I know I am in New Mexico because my hands, lips and feet are all chapped and my face is a little wind burned. It has been a little cold ... a great excuse yesterday to get not so much done and let Lisa spoil me... breakfast at the Range (Huevos con Queso!) Iron Man at the stadium therater.. TWO NAPS.. Green chile sausage pizza. and the Jane Austen Book club on DVD. Today Serena came down and rescued me from the dust and doldrums of sorting... We went to Kelly's brewpub with Shade... I had the green chile feta burger with sweet potato fries and wheat beer and caught up when nobody was firing up their Harley's .. But it is almost summer here and we were outside a converted auto dealership on old route sixty six and so they day would not have been complete without a few motorcycles.. right?
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