A wave would come in and just wash under everyone’s feet.

I shot some film - wacky old fashioned knuclehead that I am-- as well as these digital shots. Felt good to have my head somewhere else other than science.
Later in the day I went to the beach side tables next to the open air kitchen where “the ladies” (as they are known—I am already a Rosie Partisan) cook for those SGU students who contract with or buy from them and who cook for whomever is wandering down the beach and gets hungry. For whatever reason there is good wifi reception here, so my roomie Nichole and I studied there that afternoon and that evening.

In the picture I am holding up my biochem book as evidence that I was indeed studying and pointing in the general direction of the waves crashing twenty or so feet away.
I'm adding a late vote for pronouncing it "skee-zee."
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