Friday, September 22, 2006

Snack Time

Today in a small group where each person was presenting a different paper on diabetes, a group participant suggested that we not tell diabetic patients that a low glycemic index snack at night might increase their chances of waking up with more stable blood sugar. “You know those people tend to be overweight and don’t need to be told it is okay to have a snack”

And so the rationalizations for manipulating patients and withholding comlex truths begin. Do I believe most people are capable of understanding the difference between high glycemic index carbs and low glycemic index carbs, absolutely. Did I say anything in this group to the young woman about her assumptions? Challenge her to treat her patients as intellectual equals? No. So am I a part of the problem? Yes.

So there is one more thing about me I need to change. I don’t know when I got hesitant to rock the boat.. you who know me would think I would get seasick in still water I am so used to constant motion. But having chosen to be up to my eyeballs in challenge I choose to be quiet more often then not and there-in lies one of the many pitfalls of my chosen profession.. an educational system that keeps you too busy to think outside the box or challenge the status quo.


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