Friday, December 22, 2006

Four Blonds walk into a small Lance Aux Epines Apartment

It is due no doubt to all those years at the Zia Diner trying to keep my food budget in line, but I do my best work as a chef when I use what is at hand. The red peppers and chicken I was given by departing friends turned into Angel Hair pasta Al Arribata with chicken and rosemarry. The puff paste and ripe pears turned into a lovely little tart that went just fine with coconut and mango ice cream. There was wine curtesy of Nichole, Sheri and their Moms, and a good time was had by all.
It never ceases to amaze me how hard it is to train new people that I really do enjoy cooking. I really want to rip off the head of each and every person who has ever said to me "No, no, I don't want you to have to cook.. let's just go eat some crap somewhere else" Well, that last part is what I hear in my head, and I find it EXTREMELY vexing. Now the chowder clan and my family I have mostly trained. And Nichole and Sheri are quick studies. They never turn down a meal made by me. This I like.

But that brings me to Christmas. First of all there is the problem that the collective wisdom is to celebrate on Christmas eve-- which in fact makes the event Christmas eve dinner not Christmas dinner but I digress. And then there is the fact that a potluck has been proposed. And face it, Pot lucks are ALWAYS culinary disasters. And then there is the problem that I am not in control of the meal, which also vexes me. But I could have stepped in and run the whole show. But I am learning to let go-- stay behind the scenes like my little dog. I am only cooking the turkey and roast beef. I have absolutely no control over the wine choice, side dishes or even, dare I mention, the selection of condiments. But I am learning, growing through this experience. And I know I'll be a better person for it.


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